We exist because the world of professional writing/editing, particularly the online world, is either shamefully understaffed or worse, underqualified. We do not exist to snark on the grammar of amateur individuals. However, if you get paid to write or revise writing for a living, you're fair game. Let the hunting begin!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Contest alert!

We discovered such a high number of errors in this AP article, titled, "Return to $1 gas? Energy prices evaporate," that we decided to share the fun with all of you.

Like every contest, this one has rules.  Here they are:

1.  Read the article and identify the number of grammatical errors it contains.
2.  Grammatical errors in quoted speech cannot be counted towards the total.
3.  Submit your answers via email to grammarsnark@gmail.com.  Your answers should identify the locations of the errors you find; however, you do not have to provide explanations  if you do not wish to do so.
4.  Contest deadline: December 12, 2008 at 11:59 p.m.
5.  The winner will receive a special (non-cash) prize.

We reserve the right to make final determinations on what may be considered an error.

Ready?  GO!

1 comment:

Veronica said...

FUN! What a great assignment! I am so on this. I just did a first read. How was this published by AP? Don't they have proofreaders? Hooray for grammar contests!