We exist because the world of professional writing/editing, particularly the online world, is either shamefully understaffed or worse, underqualified. We do not exist to snark on the grammar of amateur individuals. However, if you get paid to write or revise writing for a living, you're fair game. Let the hunting begin!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Unpardonable Product: Safeway

We won't even touch the question of whether such an item would be palatable to the taste buds; it's unpalatable to the discriminating mind, and that's enough for us. We beg you, do the world a favor and find another low-guilt ice cream to satisfy your craving.

1 comment:

Abby said...

This totally makes me cringe. It's just as bad as the "Casual Cut's" salons that infest nearly every shopping center in San Jose. What belongs to the cut???